
  • Ham Sandwich and Pot Stickers

    Costco now sells thin shaved ham.

    The pot stickers was for our Advanced Leadership potluck. Only got to attend 20 min + 20 min of this event, but wasn’t missing too much. The class taught some great concepts that I’ll be using often.

  • Play Conference and Berkeley

    Play Conference was great. But Berkeley was better. Man I miss that place. It may have been that the weather didn’t suck, or the fact that I got to hang out with Sarah, Chris, Ryan, Josh, meet Lauren and Ridley. Regardless, I miss it and hope to return soon. Plenty of photos at http://www.flickr.com/photos/30354124@N00/

    Some choice pics below

    Chris and Sarah

    Ridley and Ryan

    Fat Slice, still delicious

    Biz Stone, Co-Founder, Twitter

  • Ridiculous Marketing Idea of the Day

    Food or restaurant adds that had the peel and smell (a la perfumes) edge to entice customers to buy. Not just appeal to the eyes, but also the noses!

  • The Whole School Thingy

    I’ve been under a lot of stress from school. It’s not the sole aspect of school that is stressful. It’s the combination of school, social activities, class activities, part-time work, Marley, exercise. The whole enchilada that is stressful. School is just one of the cogs in this system.

    Karin recently made a change in career choices, and I am 100% confident it’s the right move. What stands out is her enthusiasm for the  new topic. Wanting to tell everyone she can about the new programs, concepts, and ideas. It’s something I think I’ve taken for granted with my school. When it becomes a responsibility rather than a passion, the appeal seems to fade a bit. But what I need to remember is exactly what Karin told me today, “I’ve been trying to understand this thing for 2 hours and I finally get it!” It’s a reflection of the reason we go to school. To enrich our lives. That’s the goal.

    I’ve been having my nose to the grind so hard the past year that I don’t remember when I transitioned from schooling to stressing. It just seems to happen. I’m going to make a concerted effort to find the learning again to drive me through my last 8 months of my MBA.

  • Happy Fried Rice

    I’m not going to put in portions because I didn’t measure and I think it’s good just to experiment with cooking (don’t experiment with baking).

    * Cook Bacon. Remove onto a napkin and pat dry. Keep the bacon fat in the pan
    * Scramble eggs in the bacon fat. Remove eggs
    * Cook rice (day old take-out is best) and frozen peas and carrots
    * Chop up bacon and mix in
    * Add in eggs
    * Add salt, pepper, and garlic to taste
    * Serve in bowl
    * Make a roster sauce happy face
    * Enjoy!

  • Modern day Origami

    Love this site!


  • Bullet Point Update

    * Class is overwhelming with all the peripheral activities involved in school
    * Going to physical therapy for my shoulder, back and neck after the accident.
    * Job hunt is in full swing. No waiting for 2009 before I busy.
    * My apartment neighborhood smells like manure. It’s pretty disgusting.
    * Karin’s doing great. We’re planning Halloween now.
    * Marley says, “woof!”

  • Choke is Easy to Follow

    Karin and I watched Choke last night. I was a bit offset by the dark humor. I guess I was in the mode for a popcorn flick. Karin really enjoyed it though and felt it had that good indie feel to it. I’m definitely going to watch it again when it goes to video to see if I like it more.

  • Sergey and Larry the new Bill and Steve?

    Looking at the HTC G1 Launch event, I found an interesting photo.


    Is it me, or do those two look like the young Bill Gates and Steve Jobs? Nerdy. Rich. Confident. I’m curious which one will turn to the dark side and which to light.

    My money is on Sergey turning into Bill, and Larry turning into Steve.

  • Street Scene 2008 Wrap-Up

    Got to Street Scene Day one a little late. Got to the trolley at 6PM
    and didn’t get in until about 6:30. Once we got in, michael franti
    & spearhead was playing on the Fulano stage. The good thing about
    the event was that the two mainstages, Fulano & Fulana are back to back.
    So it’s easy to go between the two venues as well as allowing bands
    enough time to set up without too much pressure. Switching between the
    two stages we saw:

    TV on the Radio: Great sounding band live. Reminds me of DMB a little but still has a unique sound

    Spoon: Rocked the stage and got people charged up. Waited til near the end of their set to play Underdog, so they left on a high note

    Justice: Set it off!
    Great set. Sounded a little like their album (not a bad thing) with
    fresh additions and crossfading that everyone enjoyed. Karn’s buddy
    Jenae was really impressed just hearing them for the first time. Great
    music to dance to.

    Beck: Had some technical difficulties. His mic wasn’t working well and
    after 4 songs it still wasn’t fixed. The people at the front of the
    stage were really enjoying it. We kicked it in the beer gardens which
    was a lot emptier and it wasn’t quite as loud. Still the freshest white
    boy around. Good performance.

    Saturday night we saw the following bands:

    del the funky homosapien: sounds like they did the rapping with gorillaz on the track Clint Eastwood.
    the hives: Super high energy rocking at the top of their lungs.
    teagan and sarah: Great girl band with mix of pop, emo, rock
    eagles of death metal: Didn’t quite rock as hard as their name implies. With a name like theirs, the expectation is high
    atmosphere: best performance of the show. His freestyling is amazing. If you like Jurassic 5, then you got to listen to Atmosphere