Month: June 2011

  • The Speed of Time

    The speed at which time passes you by is incredible. There’s so much to do, and time keeps running so fast. It may be a part of my procrastination, but as a whole, I’ve been getting a lot done. The problem, is that I’m overfilling my calendar with activities. There’s so much I want to get done in my short time here on Earth, and life keeps adding complexities to the story.

    I don’t mind it though. I now have a partner in life to go through the adventures with. Someone to share the joys and challenges together. The past four months has seen 4 weddings, including my own. Great friends coming together to be joined in the eyes of God. I wish them all the best of luck. And try to take the advice I pass on to friends, “Communication and transparency with your partner.”

    In addition to all the changes in my personal life, my career has been on a radical trajectory as well. My new role as product manager is very engaging. I often feel like I’m drinking from a fire hose, but the people I work with and the products I’m working on are all top notch. I hope I can measure up and deliver happiness to my team and our customers.

    Ennekube and I had an agreement to draft blogs within 72 ours of each other. That’s fallen a bit to the wayside, but I do hope to continue writing regularly. It’s relaxing to write out all that’s swimming around in my head.